Our Goal


We are a group of individuals dedicated to the truth of God’s Word. Let’s face it, the world has a lot of questions and doubts, even among the Christian community. With these questions come a lot of inaccurate information based on a lack of understanding of Scripture. Our focus is to provide quick, accurate, and clear answers to some of the world’s most common and aggressive attacks on our faith. These answers are not based on emotion or what we think, but what the Word says. We are here for you and pray that this site will motivate this generation to be leaders and present themselves a living sacrifice, honorable and acceptable to our heavenly Father.


BIBLE It is truly God’s Word. Written by the hand of men, moved by the Spirit, God revealed Himself to us in the Scriptures. Generations later His Word is still true and the final authority. If you believe He can part the Red Sea by the hand of Moses, then yes, He is capable of preserving His infallible Word by the pen of flawed men. 2 Pet 1:20-21, 2 Tim 3:16


GOD It is truly one God. He is infinite, all knowing, and all powerful. He exists in three distinct persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Elohim is plural. Jesus tells us in John 10, “I and the Father are One.” Duet 6:4

JESUS He is truly God. Existing as God, He willingly chose to become a man without compromising Himself as God, to be born of a virgin, and to die on the cross for the entire world’s sins. John 10, Luke 2, John 3. Believing in Christ as your savior is the one and only way to get to Heaven. John 14

HOLY SPIRIT He truly is inside believers. Everyone who accepts God’s offer of salvation, receives the Holy Spirit inside them by which they accomplish God’s will in their lives. Rom 8:9-11, 1 Cor 6:19

ETERNAL LIFE It is truly eternal. When you choose to accept the gift of eternal life by faith, you are declared righteous in God’s eyes,  not based on any of your own work, but on the work Jesus accomplished at the cross. All you need to do, according to Scripture, is believe in Jesus as your Savior. He paid the penalty we all deserve. Once you have this, you no longer have to fear death because you have become a child of God and nothing can separate you from the love of God which you have in Christ Jesus your Lord. Eph 2:8-9, the entire Book of John, specifically John 3 and John 10, Rom 8:38-39

SANCTIFICATION It is truly a process. Once you believe in Jesus as your Savior, you still have struggles with the sin nature in your life. We are called to walk with God daily in order to live a life representing Jesus Christ to this lost and dying world. Sanctification is living that set apart life unto God, which is a process of relying less on yourself, and more on your Savior. Rom 7, 1 John 1, Gal 5, Rom 12