Deception Vs Lie

“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us or sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1John1:8-9


A lie is bad enough as it is. When lying, you are feeding someone a line that is not true in hopes to make something about you seem better. Deception includes a lie or lies, but it has more thought behind it. When we are kids, many times we are confronted with a situation suddenly; and then, we try to lie our way out of the problem, a more on the spot, in the moment decision. Now deception is when we sit and think and contemplate a situation to manipulate it in our favor. It is when we have time to think and rehearse our lie, to make sure it sounds believable.

In this case you are deceiving yourself. You have thought this thru in your mind for a while to justify this sin. God has shown into your life and exposed this sin. We sit and justify our sin in our own mind by trying to find out a way that it might be ok and we don’t have to adjust our lives to meet His plan. We are choosing to live in the darkness.

John is showing you how you can deceive yourself and devastate your Christian walk. It’s not worth it. Come back to Him and confess that this is a sin and He will cleanse you of it.