cleansing Blood

“If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.” 1John1:7

If- maybe we will maybe we won’t? The choice is yours whether or not, as a believer in Jesus Christ, you will walk in the light or not in the light. The result is two-fold, fellowship and cleansing.

Fellowship: We are enjoying the company of Christians that are actively pursuing their relationship with God. This fellowship with them is also with the Father (v3). This is where we get to know and understand God more and more. This is walking in the light.

Cleansing: You may be asking, “if I have believed in Christ, and my sins are no longer held against me, why do I need to now be cleansed for my sins?

Think of it this way. When we come to Christ we don’t know all the potential sins out there we may be susceptible to commit. but we do know some. Lets say for argument sake there are 10 potential sins we may commit, but as a new believer we know of 3. Well as we walk in the light with others and with God, He exposes others sins we may not be aware of. We know lying, murder, and stealing are the three sins out there. In the process of having fellowship, God’s light exposes the darkness in our life and says “oh, by the way this gossip here, thats a sin also.” And from that point we know enough to outskirt gossip. Now we are aware of 4 out of 10 sins and we are slowly cleansed more and more by our awareness of potential pitfalls the enemy has for us. It doesn’t mean you are no longer a child of God, but your relationship is affected by your willful acts of sin presently. Just like any child who disobeys their parent is no longer not a child, but caused some strife in the relationship.

What are the pitfalls you may not be out-skirting that may hinder your fellowship with God?